Falling For Books Read-a-Thon


My friend Nicole at The Reader’s Antidote is hosting are reading challenge that could not have come at a better time for me. The Falling For Books Read-a-Thon will take place over Thanksgiving break from the 27th (starting at midnight) to the 30th (ending at midnight) of November. Novellas do not count, unless you combine three or more novellas to make one novel.

This is actually perfect for me right now since I am a bit behind in my reading goals for the year and I wanted to try to get a couple of books read during the Thanksgiving break. I’ll be traveling for a decent chunk of the break but I think I can make it up with listening to some audiobooks. I don’t know what books I want to read yet but will aim modestly for 2 books. If you are interested in joining the read-a-thon, check out Nicole’s post and sign up.
