Endless Summer Read-A-Thon

Summer is drawing to a close which means it’s time for me to try and finish up my summer reading list. I’ve joined up with the Endless Summer Read-A-Thon hosted by my friend Nicole at The Reader’s Antidote. No real theme except to make a goal for yourself and try to stick to it. The read-a-thon runs from Sept 2 – 7. I don’t know how many books I can realistically read in that time but I am going to do my best. Here are the books on my read-a-thon list.

Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler
Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick
God Save The Queen by Kate Locke

I usually suck at challenges but I do like to try, so wish me luck. If you want to join in the challenge, head on over the The Reader’s Antidote to get more details. Happy reading!