Comic Con Recap – Thursday

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Hello, everyone! I am back and boy, am I tired. Comic Con was whirlwind of sights and sounds, as usual. I am going to do my best to recap it though you’ll have to forgive me if I resort to pictures sometimes.

So we drove down late Wed night and stopped by Chick Fil A on the way down. It’s one of our SDCC traditions and we made it in about 10 minutes before they closed.  Thursday we were up bright and early to get our badges. I jumped into the exhibits hall for a bit before my first panel and, thanks to my friend Katie telling me about it, was able to snag an ARC of Gail Carriger’s Etiquette & Espionage from the Little Brown booth.
really cool blessed guitar
Our first panel of the day was actually a television panel. I am huge fan of the USA show Psych and got in line early for their panel. Ballroom 20 can be crazy but theirs was the first panel and it started later in the day so we managed to get in line at just the right time to get great seats. If you haven’t seen the show, it’s basically about a guy who uses deduction to solve crimes but pretends that he’s a psychic. It’s just super funny and the cast has great chemistry together and always seem like they genuinely like working together. Definitely give it a try if you haven’t.
psych: maggie lawson, james roday, dule hill

Next up was Beauty & the Beast. I wasn’t super into this one but the Elementary panel was right after it and I did want to see that. The show was what you would expect, cheesy but kinda cute. The showed the whole pilot which was fine but it isn’t something I’ll be watching on a regular basis.

beauty & the beast
Then came the Elementary panel. I know Sherlock’s been done to death by now but really, how can you not love Sherlock? And I kind of love Jonny Le Miller, too. The pilot was fun and Miller and Liu were really good together. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of it.
jonny lee miller and lucy liu
And I think that was it for big panels. In between I was on the floor a lot, hitting the pubs and picking up books. My friend was making fun of me because I had the whole weekend schedule printed out and with me at all times. I got to see Marie Lu again as well as Heather Brewer. I was kind of stalking Heather because I love her and really wanted a copy of Slayer Chronicles 2, which I did get. :) We also ran into Tessa Gratton at the Random House booth and chatted for awhile. She is super nice and cool and I ended up buying Blood Magic and had her sign it.
marie lu
heather brewer
I am pretty sure I went home and passed out after this. Seriously I am getting old and all I want to do is sleep after a full day at the con. Tune in later this week to see what happened on Day 2 of Comic Con!