Comic Con Recap: Sat & Sun

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Thanks for stopping by again. I am going to do a (hopefully) quick recap of my last two days at Comic Con. I can’t believe it was only a week ago and it seems like it was soooo long ago. I am just getting over a bad cough and cold which I think I may have caught just from being around all those people. Alright, let’s get down to it!

My first panel on Saturday was the Faeries in the City urban fantasy panel which included authors  Benjamin Tate (Leaves of Flame), Kevin Hearne (The Iron Druid Chronicles), Kat Richardson (Seawitch), Jennifer Bosworth (Struck), Anton Strout (Simon Canderous series), Seanan McGuire (Discount Armaggedon), Jeanne Stein (Anna Strong Vampire Novels), J.F. Lewis (Burned: A Void City Novel), and S. G. Browne (Lucky Bastard). This was a really fun panel with a really good mix of authors. The authors spoke about how important a role location is in their books. Anton Stout wanted to take a city he loved (NYC) and twist it around. Kat Richardson’s Greywalker series was inspired by the Seattle fog. Seanan McGuire has a different approach and she writes about cities that she despises and, in the process, usually develops an appreciation for them.
anton strout, kevin hearne, jen bosworth, jeanne stein
s.g. browne, j.f. lewis, seanan mcguire, kat richardson
After the urban fantasy panel I hightailed it to get in line for the Gail Carriger spotlight panel. I’ve never seen Gail before so I wasn’t sure what to expect. But she’s as sweet and charming as you’d imagine and it s fabulous dresser. She and her agent, Kristen, talked about how she got her start with the Parasol Protectorate series and also talked about her new YA series, Espionage & Etiquette. She share some big news with the audience and that news is that the Parasol Protectorate series has been optioned as a television series! This doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to happen but it is a first step. We stopped by the signing afterwards to get some books signed by Gail, who was super nice and chatted with everyone.
gail carriger
After Gail I wandered around for awhile until the Harper panel later that night. This was a fun panel with reps from Harper and HarperTeen. They also had Tahereh Mafi, Kiersten White and Dan Wells in attendance. It’s always fun hearing about the new releases from publishers, and at the end, we all got a book (I got Insignia by SJ Kincaid).
harper teen rep along with white, mafi and wells
new kim harrison cover
On Sunday the only panel I went to was the What’s Hot in YA Panel which was moderated by Nathan Bransford (Jacob Wonderbar for President of the Universe) and featuring Leigh Bardugo (Shadow and Bone), James Dashner (The Maze Runner series), Kami Garcia (co-author of the Beautiful Creatures novels),Tahereh Mafi (Unravel Me), Melina Marchetta (Froi of the Exiles), Lish McBride (Hold Me Closer, Necromancer), Myra McEntire (Hourglass trilogy), and Scott Westerfeld (Uglies). 
One of the questions was why have superpowers? Kami Garcia said that they were a safe to explore the idea of what you would do if you were more than normal. Dashner said that he was a super nerdy kid and always daydreamed about having super powers and writing about them is a way of living those fantasies. Westerfeld said that super powers, to him, were always more about the teamwork involved and how those with super powers worked together. 
After that panel, I mostly putzed around the exhibit hall, catching the booths that I may have missed during the crazy weekend. Below are some photos of my Sunday afternoon.
OMG this woman had on the most amazing Ursula costume. How great does she look? Seriously I was totally jealous.
I ran into a whole bevy of superheroes over at the DC booth, which shouldn’t be a surprise.
I am a total Fables fangirl. The line for the Bill Willingham signing was insane but I did manage a quick drive by to snag some pics (which are missing now thanks to Facebook – argh). There’s Bill with Mark Buckingham and Steve Leialoha. Unfortunately I did not make it to the Fables panel this year I really want to make it next year.
Cornelia Funke was signing ARCs of her new book Reckless at Little Brown. She had on this awesome dress that her friend, who is a costume designer, made. Isn’t it gorgeous?
I also got to meet Marjorie Liu, super talented writer of the Dirk & Steele and Hunter Kiss series, as well as a writer for Marvel Comics. My friend Nasya introduced me to Marjorie’s work awhile ago and I was super excited to finally meet her.
And look who else I ran into? It’s Archer and Katya! I am kind of obsessed with the Archer cartoon series. I totally missed the Archer panel at Comic Con. It was just too far away at the Hilton and I knew I would not make it in time. But I was so stoked to run into some Archer cosplayers while wandering outside by the Batmobiles. Don’t they look great?
We’ve finally reached the end of this really long post. Thanks for sticking with me if you’ve actually been reading this whole time. I always have so much fun at Comic Con and can’t wait for next year. I should have a fun SDCC swag giveaway coming soon. I just need to organize myself a bit before I put it up. Hope you guys are all having a great week!