Comic-Con 2013 Spotlight: The Comics

Hello, everyone. Welcome to another spotlight post for Comic-Con 2013. This post is focusing on the comics. It is Comic-Con after all.  I’ve been reading comics since I was a kid. I’ve always thought that they were a really wonderful medium that didn’t get enough respect. But these days it seems like comic books and comic properties are everywhere. And judging but some of the films and shows coming out next year, I think this trend is going to continue. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that these popular franchises are based on comic books. I don’t read as many comics as I used to but I still love going to Comic-Con and seeing what’s new and what looks good. Below are some of comics that I am most excited about.

Battling Boy by Paul Pope – I attended the YA Graphic Novels panel that included Paul Pope where he talked about his new graphic novel. I haven’t actually read any Paul Pope before though I am familiar with his body of work. This sounds like an unconventional superhero story with monsters. Gotta love monsters. Paul was a great panelist though and I am really interested in reading this one.

Severed by Scott Snyder, Scott Tuft, illustrated by Attila Futaki – I read the first volume of Snyder’s American Vampire and enjoyed it. I actually didn’t know that this was by Snyder and just picked it up based on the awesomely creepy cover. I see now that the reviews on this are pretty mixed so I m curious to see what I think of it.

Revival, Vol. 1 by by Tim Seeley, Mike Norton (Illustrator), Mark Englert (Illustrator) – This one came highly recommend at the Image Comics booth. Unfortunately it was sold out. I did run into author Tim Seeley at the booth though and we had a laugh about the unavailability of his book. This seems to have zombies and a murder mystery. Definitely right up my alley.

Sandman Overture by Neil Gaiman and J.H. Williams III (Illustrator) – I attended the panel with Neil Gaiman and the original creators of Sandman at SDCC. I actually haven’t read a lot of Sandman. It was around when I started reading comics as a kid but it just didn’t interest me at the time. Gaiman was a big name back then (obviously he’s even bigger now) and I’ve always meant to catch up on the series. This new series looks like a prequel of sorts to the original Sandman. They showed us some of the artwork for Overture and it looks amazing. Maybe this will prompt me to finally catch up on the original Sandman before this comes out.

RASL by Jeff Smith – Ahh Jeff Smith. Jeff Smith always reminds me of my youth. Bone was one of my favorite series growing up. I still don’t have the Bone collections (I used to buy monthly issues) but hope to add them to my library soon. Some of the new editions have been colored but I prefer them in B&W since that’s how I originally read them. Anyway, I stopped by Jeff’s booth over the weekend and picked up a the special SD ashcan edition of RASL. I haven’t read this yet but it’s described as a gritty, sci-fi noir thriller.  Awesome.

Those are some of my top comics picks from Comic-Con this year. Did I miss anything good? Let me know what your must-read comics are in the comments below! :)