Manicure Monday (102): Be A Friend

Manicure Monday (102): Be A Friend

Hi and welcome to Manicure Monday, a feature that combines my love of reading and nail polish. Each week I’ll showcase one of my current reads along with a matching book manicure. This week’s manicure is a very special one to me. Over the weekend, I 

Review: The Tiara On the Terrace by Kristen Kittscher

Review: The Tiara On the Terrace by Kristen Kittscher

The Tiara On the Terrace is a delightful follow up to the charming middle grade mystery, The Wig in the Window. Tiara follows the exploits of best friends Sophie Young and Grace Young who enjoy spy games and recently became town heroes when they captured a killer in their idyllic hometown of Luna Vista. Young and Yang are content to stay away from too much excitement for a while when a mystery falls right into their laps. The president of the Winter Sun Festival, the biggest and most revered annual event in Luna Vista, is found dead one morning in the float barn from an apparent accidental animatronic marshmallow malfunction. While everyone else accepts the tragedy as a freak accident, Young and Yang aren’t so sure, as the clues don’t quite add up. In order to solve the mystery, the two must embark on possibly their must difficult mission yet – infiltrate the Winter Sun royal court and catch the killer before he strikes again! Read more >>

2016 Bookish Goals

2016 Bookish Goals

It’s a new year which means it’s time to make a plan for my 2016 reading goals. I am not a huge stickler when it comes to my reading. I tend to go where my mood takes me. However, I do like to set some goals for myself just to give myself an idea of what I’d like to get accomplished during the year… Read more >>

Stacked (152)

Stacked (152)

Hello and welcome to Stacked, a weekly (usually) post where I discuss what books I’ve recently bought, borrowed or received. Happy 2016! Is everyone having as hard a time as I am adjusting to being back at work? Even though I had a fair amount of time 

Review: Winter by Marissa Meyer

Review: Winter by Marissa Meyer

There’s really no way to sum up this epic tome that is the grand finale of The Lunar Chronicles, but I’ll do my best. Fans of TLC will not be disappointed with this one. Yes, it’s over 800 pages long but no words are wasted. Everything that happens in the book happens for a reason and leads up to the breathless conclusion. Meyer really takes her time with this book and crafts a deft narratives that weaves together many different characters and storylines…Read more »

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays from all of us at Nite Lite HQ. It’s been a wonderful year of books, movies, and bookish events and we are so happy we’ve been able to share it with you all. It will probably be quiet around here for a bit 

Holiday Gift Guide for Bookworms

Holiday Gift Guide for Bookworms

The holiday season is upon us and today I have a fun gift guide for you. These items would be great for the bookish person in your life or give the list to someone who doesn’t know what to get you. And I promise I won’t tell if you decide to get little something for yourself. ;)

Review: Base Instincts by Larissa Ione

Review: Base Instincts by Larissa Ione

Base Instincts is a novella set in Ione’s Demonica series. If you haven’t read the series yet, there aren’t any huge spoilers in this one, though I would highly recommend going back and starting at the beginning of the series because it’s awesome. Base Instincts focuses on Raze, a medic at Underworld General, a hospital that caters to all demons, good or bad, in a fair manner. Raze is a Seminus demon (yes, you read that right) and his species must have sex in order to survive. Unfortunately biology has also mandated that Seminus demons must have sex with the opposite sex or face debilitating pain or death. This is bad news for Raze because he isn’t attracted to females. Raze has resigned himself to a life without love and of having sex with a female he doesn’t like very much in order to just survive. Then he meets Slake, a male who stirs in him feelings he isn’t prepared for and makes him long for impossible things. Read more »

Review: Batgirl, Vol. 1: The Batgirl of Burnside

Review: Batgirl, Vol. 1: The Batgirl of Burnside

DC rebooted the Batgirl franchise not too long ago with their New 52 rollout. The run, written by Gail Simone, was an intimate look at Barbara Gordon and her recovery after having been wheelchair bound for years. It dealt with both her mental and physical recovery and was applauded by many as an honest portrayal of PTSD. As you can imagine, the tone and topics of the book were quite dark and DC recently decided to reboot the franchise yet again with a new writing and artist team, hoping to give Batgirl a younger, hipper vibe.

{Halloween Series}: Favorite Halloween Movies That Aren’t Scary

{Halloween Series}: Favorite Halloween Movies That Aren’t Scary

Halloween is almost upon us! Does everyone have a costume? It’s normal to buy 5 bags of candy when you don’t get trick or treaters, right? Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and I am really excited for it to come this year. In anticipation, I’ve been watching scary movies over the last few weeks. I have also been watching a lot of Halloween movies that aren’t necessarily scary, but are still in the Halloween spirit. That’s not to say that they are all necessarily kid friendly (each child is different and you should choose appropriately) but are good for when you want something with a Halloween vibe that even your friends who hate horror can enjoy. Or, for my purposes, films I can play during my work pumpkin carving lunch that’s appropriate for everyone. Below are a few of my favorite non-scary Halloween movies.