Manicure Monday (5): Sins & Needles + Giveaway

Manicure Monday (5): Sins & Needles + Giveaway

Welcome to Manicure Monday, my weekly meme where I show you what I am reading and wearing on my nails. It was bound to happen sometime that I would be reading a Kindle book and would therefore not be able to get a picture of my 

Manicure Monday (4): The Taker

Manicure Monday (4): The Taker

Hi again! I love that it is Monday and I am not at work! I am sorry for everyone that does have to work today. I promise I will have fun for you. As you can see, I have a new manicure for you today. 

Manicure Monday (3): Origin

Manicure Monday (3): Origin

Good morning! Welcome to Manicure Monday, a feature I created to share my nail polish obsession as well as a way of featuring what I am currently reading. This week I am reading Jessica Khoury’s Origin. I received this one back at ALA last year 

Manicure Monday (2): Prodigy

Manicure Monday (2): Prodigy

It’s me again, back with Manicure Monday. Manicure Monday is a weekly feature that combines my love of nail polish and reading. Each week I’ll show you one of my current reads along with a matching book manicure.Feedback to last’s week post was pretty positive 

Manicure Monday (1): Etiquette & Espionage

Manicure Monday (1): Etiquette & Espionage

Manicure Monday is a weekly feature that combines my love of nail polish and reading. Each week I’ll show you one of my current reads along with a matching book manicure. As you can see, I am trying out a new feature here on Nite