Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand & Jodi Meadows at MGRB Recap

Hello! I’ve been meaning to write this recap for a couple of weeks now and have only just found the time to sit down and do it. Sorry for the tardiness but I hope you still find this a fun read. A couple of weeks ago on March 29, 2014, Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand and Jodi Meadows were scheduled for a signing at Mysterious Galaxy Redondo Beach. I really wasn’t sure if I was going to go because the store really isn’t that close to me but, in the end, I rallied to go and am glad that I did. (Note that this recap may be a little disjointed as my notes are hard to read.)

I showed up about 40 minutes ahead of time and actually ran into the authors at the cafe. I played it pretty cool though and didn’t fangirl. Luckily my friend Nicole at The Reader’s Antidote was there so I had a hangout buddy. The panel started on time with the authors going through brief intros first. Brodi prompted Jodi into telling a crazy story about where she gets her ideas. I don’t remember the whole thing but it involved a unicorn, fighting ninjas and time travel.

Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows

I like this picture because it gives a good idea about the tone of the panel. It’s clear that these ladies are all friends and know each other well. When talking about their books Brodi admitted that she sees dog faces in clouds. She proceeded to point out some of the dog faces on her book covers, including a border collie, which I was able to see, too.

Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows 
Cynthia Hand said that she originally thought that Unearthly was going to be 4 books while Brodi Ashton said that she though Everneath was going to be a standalone. Brodi also admitted that she hates world building but that she learned to do it in order to write her books. It’s still not her favorite part of writing but she can do it. Jodi Meadows on the other hand, loves world building and her next novel is a YA fantasy.

Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows
When asked what some of their favorite YA books were, the authors answered:
CH: Out of the Easy, Cruel Beauty, Reboot, Infinite
JM: Defiance, Girl of Fire and Thorns series
BA: Anna and the French Kiss

Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows

After a few more questions it was time to sign books. I spoke to Jodi a bit about her knitting and spinning (yay another knitter!) and she told me that she was currently working on a YA fantasy novel. I chatted a bit with Brodi and Cynthia as well, who were both very sweet.

Sorry that wasn’t the most extensive recap but I was really just enjoying myself and these authors. Thanks to MGRB for a great event and to the authors for coming out. Have you met any of these lovely authors? I’d love to know. :)