Beat the Backlist Reading Challenge 2021

I was inspired by my friend Kimberly from The Windy Pages to join the Beat the Backlist reading challenge for 2021 which is hosted by Novel Knight. I have joined this challenge before but truthfully I am pretty bad at these types of things. I am going to try and be better this year though because I do have a huge backlist of books that I want to make a dent in. And my book purchases were way down last year which makes it the perfect time to focus on the books I already have instead of buying new ones.

The rules are quite simple. You can go to this post by Novel Knight for all of the official rules and other details. Basically, The Beat the Backlist reading challenge is designed as a way to help tackle the giant pile of books that I’ve been meaning to read but haven’t. The basic guidelines are:

  1. The book must be published in the previous year or earlier (for the 2021 challenge, anything published in 2020 or earlier counts).
  2. You have to start and finish the book in 2021.
  3. And that’s it!

I haven’t made a list yet because usually when I make lists I don’t stick to them, but I have a rough idea of at least some of the books I’d like to get to this year.

Do you have a big backlist of boos to read, too? How you decide what to read next or do you just wing it? I think I am still mostly going to just wing it but do want to focus more on books I already own. We’ll see how I do. I plan to post updates on the challenge periodically here to keep me somewhat accountable. What are some of your reading goals this year?