ALA Summer Read-A-Thon Commences!

Today we are kicking off the ALA Summer Read-A-Thon hosted by Nite Lite, Crystal at Elegantly Bound Books, and Nicole at The Reader’s Antidote.  If you missed my original post on it and would like to know more or sign up, check it out here.

So far, I haven’t made a huge dent in my ALA pile yet. July was an insane month and August is looking pretty busy, too. My parents are also coming in for a last minute visit this weekend and I am not sure how much reading time I’ll actually have. Therefore, my  read-a-thon list is going to be pretty sedate. I am hoping to finish 3 books over the read-a-thon, which I think will be do-able. I am not the fastest reader (at least compared to bloggers because they read fast), and I think three books is challenging but achievable. These are the three books I am planning to read for the challenge (click on the covers to go to their GR pages).

I really want to try to read Dark Companion before a signing on the 16th where Maria will be. The other two just look like fun. So wish me luck. I think I’ll need it. Happy reading!