Uncovered (148): The Shadow Queen

Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover? While it’s not the only factor in picking up a book, a pretty cover doesn’t hurt. Uncovered is a weekly post where I show some cover love. Enjoy!

Yay for Friday! The summer is just speeding by but I am trying to enjoy the last few weeks of summer while I can. The crazy hot weather last week sucked a lot of my reading mojo from me but it’s cooled down and I am hoping to get some good reading time in this weekend. For this week’s Uncovered post I have The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine. I am a sucker for fairytale type stories and the black apple on this cover let’s you know right away what kind of a story it’s going to be. I love the twist on the poison apple by turning it black. But what is that black substance? Is it oil, paint or something else completely?  The black is very striking against the snowy white backdrop and I like how the title is carved into the apple itself. This cover makes me think of a dark fairy tale and I would definitely pick this up based on just the cover.

Here is the synopsis for The Shadow Queen:

Lorelai Diederich, crown princess and fugitive at large, has one mission: kill the wicked queen who took both the Ravenspire throne and the life of her father. To do that, Lorelai needs to use the one weapon she and Queen Irina have in common—magic. She’ll have to be stronger, faster, and more powerful than Irina, the most dangerous sorceress Ravenspire has ever seen.

In the neighboring kingdom of Eldr, when Prince Kol’s father and older brother are killed by an invading army of magic-wielding ogres, the second-born prince is suddenly given the responsibility of saving his kingdom. To do that, Kol needs magic—and the only way to get it is to make a deal with the queen of Ravenspire, promise to become her personal huntsman…and bring her Lorelai’s heart.

But Lorelai is nothing like Kol expected—beautiful, fierce, and unstoppable—and despite dark magic, Lorelai is drawn in by the passionate and troubled king. Fighting to stay one step ahead of the dragon huntsman—who she likes far more than she should—Lorelai does everything in her power to ruin the wicked queen. But Irina isn’t going down without a fight, and her final move may cost the princess the one thing she still has left to lose.

Intriguing, right? This book does not come out until Feb 2016 and I can’t wait!
