3 Year Blogoversary!

Nite Lite is 3 years old! Wow, time really does fly. When I first started this blog, I had no real plans and no real idea of where it would go. Over the last 3 years, I’ve met so many wonderful people because of the blog. I’ve been to awesome author events and cool industry events like ALA. I’ve met new friends because of blogging and have learned about myself in the process. I never thought that I could keep this going for 3 years and I hope that I can keep it going for 3 more.

As a thank you to everyone, I am hosting 3 big giveaways. I started putting books away for an anniversary giveaway last year, but never got around to posting for our 2 year anniversary. So this year, the giveaways are pretty awesome. The first 2 giveaways are boxes of books and are for US residents only. I have a separate giveaway for my international readers. Please make sure you enter the correct giveaway for our region.

THANK YOU for making blogging so much fun!



Box #1 includes: Sweetly (signed), Sisters Red, Gameboard of the Gods, Unwind, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Days of Blood and Starlight, Dreams of Gods and Monsters (signed), The Hunger Games, Prodigy (signed), Legend (signed), The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod (signed), Reckless signed), Hush Hush series
a Rafflecopter giveaway



Box #2 includes: Heart of Obsidian (signed), Poison Princess ARC, Succubus Revealed (signed), Unwind (signed), Legend, Etiquette & Espionage, Sublime (signed), A Discovery of Witches (signed), The Gates, The Paying Guests ARC, Possession, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, A Clockwork Collar (signed to me), first 4 books in The Mortal Instruments series.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


 Book up to $15 from Book Depository
Please check to make sure that Book Depository ships to your country

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck! (P.S. the cake is one that I made with my friend a couple of years ago for our birthdays. It was tasty.)
