Month: March 2012

In My Mailbox (23)

In My Mailbox (23)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It gives book bloggers the chance to share what they’ve bought/borrowed/received!  Still on a bit of a book buying ban though I did stop by the library and picked up a *few* things. 

Non-Fiction Review: Knits For Nerds

Non-Fiction Review: Knits For Nerds

Knits For Nerds by Joan of Dark (aka Toni Carr) Publication date: 21 February 2012 by Andrews McMeel ISBN 10/13: 1449407919 | 9781449407919Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository From Goodreads: The best of science fiction, manga, and animaguiri meets knit one, purl two as knit siren 

Uncovered (3): The Flame Alphabet

Uncovered (3): The Flame Alphabet

Uncovered is a new feature were doing on Nite Lite where we share some cover love with you. Thanks for stopping by and let us know what you think of the featured cover. Thoughts: This book caught my eye the other day when I was