15 Day Book Blogger Challenge – Day 12

It’s day 10 of the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge. Once again, thanks to April at Good Books and Good Wine for thinking up this fun challenge.

Day 12: How do you fight blogger fatigue?

This is a hard question. There are definitely times when I run out of steam with blogging. Sometimes work will be crazy or life will get in the way or I just don’t have any inspiration. During those times, I find it better to just take a step back. I am not the kind of person who does well when I force myself to do things so I’d rather not force a blog post when I am not feeling it. Instead, I will allow myself to take a break and not post if I don’t feel like it. I will often re-read books I love that I haven’t let myself re-read because I am constantly moving on to the next new book. I’ll go to a bookstore and see and pet all the new releases. Seeing books in person will often get me excited about reading again. I will also talk to some of my reading friends about what they are reading and their enthusiasm will often rub off on me.

That’s what I do to fight blogger fatigue. Do you have any tips?